Monday 11 July 2011

JAMBO from Tanzania!!!


Jessie and I made it!!

Jessie and I got into Addis Ababa, Ethiopia yesterday morning probably around 8am.  We walked off the plane together and stepped onto Africa together, for the first time.  All the passengers were being organized and asked where they were going. When we said 'Dar' we were told 'Go to that shuttle', so with about 40 other people we hopped onto a shuttle and waited.  After about 10 minutes, the shuttle began to drive.  It drove us all of 20 feet and then told us we were now at the right terminal.  Hilarious right?  I guess they just REALLY didn't want anyone walking around their tarmac.  It was a great way to start our morning.

We landed safely (numerous times in many locations) and got in to Dar es Salaam yesterday at about 1:30pm.  We got our visas sorted out and then found a taksi to our hotel.

Wildlife checklist: Flying fish (check), Giant bats (check), Geckos (quadruple check), Roosters (check), Monkey (check).

Yesterday Jessie and I met up with the YCI co-ordinator in Tanzania (Cheryl) who brought us to the Indian Ocean!!!  We ate dinner with a beautiful view.  I'll admit, I was a little nervous about this whole experience, and was feeling overwhelmed when we first got to our hotel.  But at dinner, things just started to feel so much better.  I'm feeling more comfortable and am EXTREMELY excited for everything to come!

Jessie and I at the Indian Ocean
Sureet and Marilyn arrive today.  Until then, Jessie and I are going to go enjoy the sun (there is LOTS of that) beside the Indian ocean and practice our kiswahili!  So far I've been lucky and haven't gotten any mosquito bites, fingers crossed I can keep that up for a while longer!!

Alrighty, we're off to the Ocean and to enjoy this weather (lots of sun, about 30 C, humid).

Kwaheri for now!!



  1. Glad to hear you made it safe. Sounds like you saw a lot of wildlife right off the bat (pun intended!). Enjoy the water and the sun. When do you leave for Arusha?

  2. You're there! We miss you already :)
    xo xo
